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Our Services

At ECOS, we offer a range of specialised services.


We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about which of our services would be best suited to your needs.

Getting Plan Ready

If you don't have an NDIS plan yet and need help, we can guide you through the application process.

Support Coordination

We will work with you to strengthen your ability to connect with both community and mainstream supports (funded and unfunded). This includes resolving points of crisis and enhancing your capacity to self manage your supports.


  • Negotiation of services to be provided from a range of providers which intersect with mainstream services (i.e housing, education, transport and health)

  • Management and ongoing adjustment of supports in line with your changing needs

  • Assistance with the resolution of problems or issues as they arise

  • Regular monitoring and outcome reporting

Core Supports

Once your application is approved, you may choose ECOS as an NDIS service provider, meaning the services we provide for you will be covered by your NDIS funding. Whether you want to move out of home, learn new skills or simply live a more independent life, our team will support you to develop a plan that helps you achieve your goals.


  • Assistance with helping you to live the life you choose. Help or supervision of daily life to enable you to live as independently as possible

  • Support to enable you to maintain your home environment

  • Enabling you to engage in community / social or recreational activities with in the community

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ABN: 53 635 311 796

Provider Registration Number: 4050065140

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