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Tanya Darwin – A story of art and love that will truly inspire

This post first appeared on Lumary



The team of specialist support coordinators at ECOS assist people living with disability to better understand the NDIS and develop care programs that outline how best to achieve their goals.

“We’re not a charity,” said Tanya. “But we can do this ethically. We can still make money and create employment opportunities for people and have great economic participation but we can still be really honourable about providing care.”

Tanya has always believed in the importance of education, self-improvement and learning about the latest offerings from the tech world. Whether it be messaging apps to communicate with family and friends or a connected digital solution from Lumary, Tanya has embraced technology as it has evolved.

The day Tanya met David Fantasia, Senior Account Executive at Lumary, there was instant respect and admiration from both parties for each other. She had established ECOS and was looking for a CRM to help her manage the few clients she personally had at that time. David’s honesty and commitment to support Tanya in her system implementation every step of the way, was so important to her. Tanya knew it would be a tech partnership that would be long-lasting. With her goal to only ever have 30 participants, month after month Tanya’s NDIS participants grew and so did her team of support coordinators. ECOS has successfully grown to nine specialists and over 250 participants and Tanya’s new goals are to continue growing ECOS to help many more people living with disability, but fundamentally to leave a legacy for her daughters to continue.

“Every time I call David for a new Lumary licence he reminds me… but Tanya you only ever wanted 30 participants!” Tanya said smiling.

Tanya is inspiring to all of us here at Lumary. We’re honoured to continue to provide her and her team with care management software to assist the growth of her support coordination organisation for many years to come.

To learn more about how the team at ECOS delivers personalised NDIS support coordination to people living with disability visit

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